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Sex Crime Law Definition

Sex crime cases are usually some of the most emotional and complicated cases in the court system. Sex crimes may range from public nudity to a violent rape, and the possible punishments vary in accordance to the severity of the crime. In this comprehensive guide to sex crimes, learn how to navigate our court system and how a lawyer may be able to help you.

Who Can Be Held Responsible for a Sex Crime?

When there is a sexual assault, the obvious guilty party is the assaulter. However, there may be other parties who are partially responsible. When might a university or business be held liable?

Consequences of Being Convicted of a Sex Crime

Understand what usually happens after being convicted of a sex crime. What are the possible penalties, and when might you need to register as a sex offender?

Sexual Abuse Victims Legal Rights and Resources

Sexual violence survivors may be able to pursue criminal and civil relief. There are many considerations for prosecuting a sex crime, and the process can often be long and difficult for victims. Become informed about what to expect before beginning your case.

Prostitution and the Law

Prostitution is a contested topic in the United States, and some feel it is a victimless crime and should be legal. In this comprehensive guide, learn more about the differing opinions, why prostitution is illegal, and what to do when charged with prostitution.

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